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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to create a good brag sheet?

I've been hearing the term, 'brag sheet' everywhere yet wasn't entirely taught about it throughout high school. I'm currently applying to colleges and getting teacher recs. but I'm not sure where to start making a brag sheet and how to submit it anywhere. If anyone can help me, that'd be great. I really just need help trying to start it and what to put on it, because the internet really isn't providing much help. I feel a little dumb asking about this, but I am being very genuine!

Thank you!!

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey! Actually, I had the same problem, and after browsing through the multiple renditions of a "brag sheet" on the Internet, I decided to make a document of my own, which I like to call my "Personal Profile".

First, in this document, I would include everything that would typically be found in a resume: education (school name, GPA, class rank, SAT/ACT scores, and AP exam scores; this would also be the place to include any dual enrollment classes at colleges), intended major, colleges that you're applying to, work experience, extracurriculars and community service, notable awards and honors, and a small additional information section (this includes languages spoken, special skills/talents, etc.)

Second, I would then tailor this document to each teacher that I was requesting a letter of recommendation from. I would do this by listing three values or qualities that I displayed in their class along with a small anecdote or story to show when I demonstrated those values. For example, for my AP Biology teacher, I wrote the value of initiative and explained that I showed initiative when I scheduled and organized classroom study sessions for AP Bio students outside of school. Providing teachers with these values and stories really help when they get to writing your recommendation letter because the strongest letters include personal anecdotes.

Once I completed this document, it was about four pages long (with a different document created for each teacher). As a result, I also gave them my one-page resume so that they have a quick reference for my titles, activities, etc. without having to scour through four pages of notes.

I hope this helps!

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