I am really confused and not really sure which one will have a stronger effect on my application.
I took 4 A level classes and 1 As level. The scores are:
As Levels English - b
A Levels Maths - A
A Levels Physics - A
A Levels Chemistry - B
A Levels Further Mathematics - B
I have a SAT score of 1430 (650-eng & 780-maths)
If I send my A levels scores, among these, I plan to send scores of phy, maths and further maths (as NYU requires only 3) . So, 2 A and 1 B.
If we convert the grades to unweighted GPA it will come out to be 3.85 without As Eng and 3.82 with As Eng.
So which scores should I send and which ones will strengthen my application-the SAT or the A levels? If A Levels then which subjects?
Thank you for your answers.
Hi @R-Sim, I would submit the 1430 SAT score. Your A-level grades are very good but not impressive. There are no A "star" grades and you have only 2 As and 3 Bs. Given that NYU is an American college I think they will be more accommodating of your 1430 than the A levels. NYU gets lots of international applicants and if you only submit your A-levels you will be competing directly with other applicants from your city and country.
You know better than me if you think you are one of the best A-level performers in your city or your country so ultimately you will have to make that decision yourself on what to submit.
Good luck.
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Thank you so much for your answer. Just to clarify, will it do me any better if I send scores of only 3 subjects (cuz NYU allows us to do so), totaling to 2A and 1B? I understand there are no A star but the B in further maths, I believe, is impressive given that there are only 2-3 schools in my country that teach the subject and there are only 5-6 students with better (A and A star) in further maths among around 40-50 students. Can't really say that for phy and maths though.