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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I include moving a lot in a supplemental essay about communities?

One of the schools I'm applying to has a supplemental essay about communities/groups you're in and to describe one you're in and your place in it. My immediate thought was to write about how I've moved many times (almost 10 times between multiple different states across multiple regions) and how that has affected how many communities I consider myself to be apart of/relate to but also how I interact with and involve myself into new communities of many different varieties.

I just wanted to know if this would be a good idea since I believe that's a key part of who I am, but it does go a bit off track of the prompt since it asks for one community you're in.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think that this idea could definitely work well! Rather than being off track, it would be a creative take on the prompt. You could talk about how almost 10 communities have made you who you are today, or you could perhaps talk about one group that has always kept you grounded no matter where you moved. Hope this helps!

2 years ago


Your community does not necessarily have to be where you physically lived! It could also be a belief, interest, a religious, or cultural group that you belong to. Writing about these can show deeper levels of thinking and add layers to your personality.

Since moving a lot is key to who you are, I think you can highlight that more in a "challenges/opportunities" type of essay, or an essay about growth, or wherever else it seems fit.

Best of luck with your applications!

2 years ago

I recommend mentioning that because then you could mention how the community you live in currently is compared to the others you've lived in. Hope this helps!

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