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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

will it affect me if i go on a mission during collage

i will take a 2 year leave

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[🎤 AUTHOR]@nathaniel2 years ago

what will happen if i go on a mission half way through collage i would be gone for 2 years

@forever_silent2 years ago

@nathaniel What do you mean by "mission" exactly?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@nathaniel2 years ago

like a lds mission if i become a missionary

@forever_silent2 years ago

Ohhh Alright!!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Hi @nathaniel,

Once you get your acceptance letters from all the colleges you have applied to and gotten in, I would research what their GAP year policies are.

Most colleges will allow you to take a GAP year for (1) year. That is why they call it a GAP year otherwise they would all refer to it as GAP year(S) which they don't.

Every college has its own policies.

Some allow you to take a GAP year prior to starting college or any time after you officially matriculate. Princeton has a PRE - MATRICULATION GAP year program.

Other colleges expect you to apply for a GAP year after you have agreed to accept their offer of admission. Then it is up to them to grant you that or not.

Other colleges may allow you to negotiate a pause in your college career prior to matriculating but it's no guarantee that any college would allow you to take 2 years off in the middle of your college career.

I think the more competitive elite colleges wouldn't want you to do this because it directly affects their graduation stats and they all prefer their cohorts to graduate in 4 years or 5 years if they are taking an academic GAP year or studying abroad.

Given the nature of your 2-year leave has roots in religious purposes, I would say that if you applied to a Christian College, they might be more open to this if you talked to them directly about this. For instance BYU is a LDS college so that shouldn't be a problem for them.

Good luck.

a year ago[edited]

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