I'm writing my essay about how a certain incident changed my perception of life and death. Is it a bad topic?
Yes, your essay topic is a common one among applicants, but that doesn't make it a bad topic.
The issue with such topics is that people end up describing the event in too much detail rather than talking about themselves. Colleges want to know how you chose to deal with the event in a positive manner rather than being victimized by it. Make it personal. How did your life change after the incident? What did you start doing differently? These are some of the questions you should try to be answering. Refrain from quoting common sayings from the internet.
Hope this helps!
As others have said, your topic idea has a lot of potential. While it could produce a cliche essay, it could also produce an essay that truly stands out. You can do so by adopting these essay tips:
1. Begin your essay with a hook
2. Use a creative writing style to show rather than tell
3. Tell a story about yourself with your essay, and use the incident as a way to frame your essay. It should not be the main subject.
Hope this helps!
i think it's a great topic because clearly there is something important to the incident that made you wanna choose it as your topic and made you who you are.
No not at all. What matters is the way you go about writing that said topic.
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Not necessarily. It just depends on how effectively you demonstrate your growth, values, and strengths. You don't necessarily need to have an outstanding topic to have an outstanding execution.