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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

pre med? How CaN I?

Guys please I need help, when I was trying to apply I found out that the colleges do not have pre-med, and before all of this let's go back to zero point when I found out that to become a doctor I have to enter to pre-med first and then that exam and then medical school, so let's go back to what I was saying, there is no choice For Pre-Med in colleges questions, and all of this become complicated for me. I need someone to explain to me how to apply to colleges with a Pre-Med m so I can become a doctor. Please


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5 answers

2 years ago

Hi @metometo333_!

Pre-med is NOT a major. It's generally a track provided by colleges that helps you develop a degree plan which includes the necessary prerequisites for med school. You can literally be any major as an undergrad and still get into med school. While applying, you'll have to choose any major of your choice. It can be anything you're interested in (not necessarily biology).

According to the general timeline, you'll appear for the MCAT (Medical School Admissions Test) in the third year of college. For medical school applications, the process is very similar to that of undergraduate admissions, involving GPA, extracurriculars, essays, etc.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hi @metometo333_!

I agree with @Anonymous123 110%! Pre-med is a track, NOT a major. You have to satisfy certain credits in order to even apply to med school... I'm just answering because there was a CollegeVine premed livestream yesterday, I think it might help!

Shravya Kakulamarri has other PreMed live streams that have helped me learn about the Pre-Med track, you should check them out!

Hope I helped! :)

2 years ago

Alright! First of all take a deep breath and relax! The reason colleges don't have a pre-med option is because pre-med isn't a specific major you have to fulfil. Pre-med is just a path you have to follow throughout college, and you can major in whatever you want just as long as you fulfil the required prerequisites needed to enter medical school. That means you have to fulfil 1 year of biology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry and organic chemistry. In addition, get plenty of volunteer hours and shadowing doctors. Try to get experience as a medical scribe as well. And join clubs related to your interests in college, those clubs don't have to be medical- they have to follow what you like. Finally, it is important that you start preparing for the MCAT in your late freshmen-early sophomore year in college. Please make sure you get an excellent score on the MCAT. Good luck and I am sure you will be an awesome doctor!!

2 years ago

All of the answers here are great! When you fill out your applications, you can list any option as your major. Later on, you can add pre-med classes to your schedule once you start studying at a university. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Pre-med is not an actual course in college - it's just a term people use when they mean that they're taking a course like biology, chemistry, etc. because they have plans to go into medical school. Biology is what pre-med students typically major in for college, and as a pre-med student, you'll be required to take specific courses such as two semesters of math, two semesters of bio with lab, two semesters of English, a semester of biochemistry etc. So when applying to a college for pre-med, you don't pick a pre-med as an option, instead, you pick one of the many majors such as chem or bio that pre-med students take and you also take the core classes required by pre-med students as mentioned above.

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