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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I Remove Student Gov Activity For A Major Related Activity Instead?

Would it be better for me to replace student government with an activity related to my major (comp sci) like web development or replace it with something else? A friend of mine said to combine Track and Tennis, however, that doesn't seem feasible.

Here is my activity list so far:

1. Video Game Development

2. Instagram Page (100k + followers)

3. YT Channel (10 + million views)

4. Job

5. Varsity Track

6. JV Tennis

7. Youth and Government (political and debate club)

8. Science Honor Society

9. Community Service

10. Student Gov (Might replace with my Web Development and move it to #3)

@dionysus2 years ago [edited]

As a upcoming computer science major I think it would be a good idea to replace web dev with student gov as it shows colleges you're interested in a activity that is related to your major .

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I would say so as web development aligns more with your major. If you're willing to place it at #3 that means you must've spent much more time on it than student government. However, this may well depend on what position you hold in student govt.

2 years ago

it may be possible to combine YT and Instagram if they're for a similar audience/topic, if you really want to include web development without sacrificing anything else.

2 years ago

Take my advice with a grain of salt because I am probably younger than you but we share some EC’s

Straight up, I would just drop tennis. I am in the reverse position as you (JV Track and Varsity Tennis) and it makes more sense for me to just drop track and have a higher chance of becoming tennis team captain. If you’re doing Jv in your junior, your probably not going to get anything by being on the team if you aren’t good (unless you do it for the good team vibes). In general, just prioritizes the one that gives you the most value.

Also, For student gov, what are you doing, At our school, we have class officers, STUCO school board, and SAC. First two are very good for college as one is class wide and one is school wide. However the student advisory committee is basically a bum position. If you’re doing something that has no foreseeable compitetion or respect, you might as well drop it. I think you probably value comp sci more anyway.

The rest of your EC’s are ok. I would put up your web design EC’s because it’s important and I think you benefit from that. I am confused as to why you have a debate club in there though because it doesn’t match with your profile. I am the president of a couple of stem clubs (engineering, computer) because it’s aligns with my interests so I think you should do the same if you want to build an ec spike

Overall your EC’s are good (also do you mind droppping the insta and YouTube so I can follow and subscribe) because that would be cool to see. I am only sophmore so you might not agree with some of this but that is fine. Just take what you will from my advice and leave the rest. Gl :)

2 years ago

Hey there @elvxn!

It sounds like you spend more time/effort on web development than student government, and if it's more directly related to your major, it might be worth it to go with that instead. It also depends on your position in student government. Do you have an elected position? What do you do in your role? Are you the president? How much of a commitment is it?

I can't give you a true answer, just a few things to consider. Either way, I hope this helped at least a little, and I wish you luck!

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