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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How concerned should I be about a short junior year schedule?

I have had schedules packed with classes my freshman & sophomore years, but this (junior) year I only take 5 classes, one of them being PE, three of them being AP classes. I tried applying for electives, but I couldn’t take any extra classes I wanted due to bad luck.

So, how dire of a situation am I in? I will be possibly taking 5 AP classes next year; will my schedule senior year make up for the lack of coursework rigor junior year? I am going to shoot for HYPSM and T20 schools, and any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

everything's gonna Be Alright idle breakout

2 years ago

Hey there @tboi3!

Assuming you take some combination of history, English, language, math, and science classes with three of them being AP, you should be in a pretty good position. As @Anonymous123 mentioned, you might be able to self-study for APs. I would also suggest looking into dual-enrollment courses or summer programs at a local college if you're worried about your junior year course rigor. My school also offers independent studies, which is where students can design a syllabus and essentially teach themselves a class with a mentor for a credit.

Good luck!

2 years ago

Hi @tboi3!

You're not in a dire situation. Your coursework rigor is considered with reference to how many AP classes are offered at your school. If your school offers 20 AP classes, you won't be expected to take all of them. However, if your school provides 4 AP classes, (which isn't the case for you) top colleges will expect you to take all of them.

If you want to do something beyond your current schedule, you can self-study an AP class and give the corresponding AP exam this May (although the exam registration deadline has passed, you might be able to register with a late fee). If not feasible to add another class, don't worry about it. Use the time you have outside school for extracurricular activities.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

I think you should be ok, just make sure to do things outside of school too like a club or a sport if you can.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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