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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I am in middle shcool, and I am taking highschool classes, will they count towards my GPA?

I am in middle school, and I am taking enviormental science and algebra, (wich are both highschool classes) will they count towards my highschool GPA? I heard that you can chose weather they go towards collage, but Im not entirley sure, please help I am confused,

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Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey there @Jack_schmelzle!

I'm currently a high school freshman, and I took both Honors Algebra I and Honors Geometry in middle school, which are both offered as high school courses at my school too. To graduate at my school, you need three math credits, but you have to actually get them while you're in high school, so although I took two years of high school math in middle school, I still have to take at least three years in high school to graduate. My school is a Pre-K-12 school, so it might run on a little bit of a different system than yours, depending on how your school is set up, but I think you should check with a guidance counselor or a college counselor when you're selecting your high school classes so you can make sure to get all of your credits.

Good luck!

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