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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I join speech and debate?

Hello, I am currently a sophomore in high school. My freshman year I was vice captain of the soccer team, I was in chess and softball. This year I'm still vice captain for the soccer team and I plan on playing softball. I wanted to ask if speech and debate is something I should join. I want to major in computer science as I plan to be a software engineer. Would speech and debate help me?

@Arrington2 years ago [edited]

So speech and debate looks great on college resumes + you can do so many events I personally do Humorous interpretation. I take a script and I preform each character in a different way. It’s so fun and it’s pretty easy to become top in your state with smaller events which looks amazing on a résumé. I highly suggest it because MIT also wants a well rounded student and public speaking is a skill that will always be appreciated if you are interested I’ll post a link

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6 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Take it from someone who sucks at S/D. TAKE IT. The only reason I ever took it was because of some random reddit post whom described, "It changed my life." And it did for me too.

Your exposed to so much material either way, you're almost guaranteed to change your political and social views. You also realize how incredibly important writing and even being able to talk "correctly" can help you far more than essentially any other skill (yes, even coding).

It changed my career plans, when I didn't even actually like it that much initially and wanted to drop it multiple times.

The fact that it isn't related to your major, is a good thing. Aside from college applications (and even then) in reality, you need to be well rounded in both niche skill and interpersonal relationships. We are social creatures, so mastering the social part of ourselves is deeply powerful.

2 years ago

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2 years ago[edited]

Speech and debater here, doing public forum debate. It's pretty chill, you explain your prepped, real-world case to a judge who oftentimes does not know as much about the topic. I would strongly encourage speech and debate because it really teaches you to communicate your ideas, particularly in debate. However, I would say to shy away from joining any club if your main motivation is to make your resume look better.

2 years ago

Hi @minyinta!!

Speech and debate isn't necessary for computer science but if you have social anxiety or difficulty socializing speech and debate might help you overcome that.Speech and debate might also help you become confident, it also helps with your critical thinking skills.So overall I think speech and debate would help you if you want to strengthen your social skills.

Hope this helps :)

2 years ago[edited]

If you have 0 interest don’t do it but if you do speech and debate looks good on college resumes + you can do so many events I personally do Humorous interpretation. I take a script and I preform each character in a different way. It’s so fun and it’s pretty easy to become top in your state with smaller events which looks amazing on a résumé. I highly suggest it because MIT also wants a well rounded student and public speaking is a skill that will always be appreciated if you are interested I’ll post a link start at 7:17 and you don’t have to watch the whole thing this is just if you’re interested there are so many events out there it’s really fun. But don’t do it if you have no interest other than college

2 years ago

Honestly, I wouldn't take it. Speech and debate is nice, but it's not in the same field as comp sci or any of you're ec's atm. I would suggest a coding club/computer classes to take instead

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