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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

tips for getting into umich?

I'm a junior, starting college apps this summer. I have a fair amount of ec's, currently studying for the act, which will hopefully make up for my low gpa. Right now, I have around a 3.6 uw gpa because I got one C last semester and a couple b-'s the last 3 years. I'm really scared that my transcript and gpa are gonna be what makes or breaks me, and was wondering if there was anything I can do to help it.

I know that having a really high ACT/SAT score can help, having a good essay can help, and having amazing ec's can help. I was wondering if there is anything I should focus on or anything else that I could do to help.

I also was wondering what other ec's I should do this summer. I plan to do a summer program, some volunteer work, and then possibly a job/internship. I think that my ec's are pretty average compared to other michigan applicants, so I'm not sure what else I can do to make myself stand out, or show that I am fit for their school. It's literally my dream school, so any advice will help!

I'd like to add that so far I've taken 4 AP classes and 2 honors classes (the only ones offered), and am planning on taking 3 or 4 more AP's next year. I'm aiming for a 34 ACT, have pretty average EC's, and my essay/rec letters are tbd.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I’m a current junior as well and in a similar spot. My advice is to take a very rigorous course load next year but make sure you get straight As. If applying RD anywhere you can submit your first quarter grades and show you are growing as a student. As for ACT that’s excellent if you can get that because it’ll boost your application. As for ec’s my advice is to find a spike. Look at your ecs and see if any two are similar, and if they are work on making that stand out by doing another ec that is similar to those. Not sure if UMich has super selective summer programs or not but try to apply to some of the selective programs if they do have them or at other prestigious universities. Colleges like to see those and I think a job/internship would be a great thing to do. Overall don’t stress. Easier said then done but it really doesn’t help. Work hard get straight As this semester and show you are on an upward trajectory leaving high school.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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