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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are some business extracurriculars I could do?

I am currently a sophmore in high school and I might want to do business. I do not really know too much about it, but I am interested in marketing. Are there any extracurriculars that look impressive and are valuable to help me learn about business? I am new to it though.

@Jesswade4 months ago [edited]

If you’re thinking about business and marketing, joining clubs like DECA or FBLA can be a game-changer. They give you real experience with things like marketing and even have competitions, which look great on college apps! If your school doesn’t have these, try helping a club or team with their social media or start a small project on your own. It’s a great way to explore business opportunities and get a head start!

@bobbyb78a month ago [edited]

Exploring business extracurriculars is a great way to build skills and stand out in applications. But honestly, before jumping in, it’s smart to research the organizations or opportunities you're considering. Sometimes, reviews can reveal a lot about what you’re getting into. For example, checking platforms like PissedConsumer can help you avoid potential red flags and find better options.

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5 answers

2 years ago

Hi, I hope all is well!! I recommend joining DECA. DECA offers many opportunities and will look impressive on college applications especially if you have a lot of involvement in the clubs. Try to get a board position if you're interested :)

2 years ago

You could;

1. Take an additional online / college course(s) on Marketing and Business

2. Join the commerce / entrepreneur clubs in your school and take up leadership positions if possible (if there aren't any such clubs, you could create one for a more impressive EC)

3. Join competitions on innovation / marketing / pitch competitions

4. If you're particularly daring, you could start a small business on your own or with a few friends and showcase your marketing skills

5. You could look for internships online or around your local community that would give a more practical feel to handling businesses and marketing

There's a lot of opportunities if you're willing to search for it:) Best of luck for your future!

11 months ago

As a sophomore interested in marketing and exploring business, consider joining clubs like DECA or Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) to gain practical knowledge and skills. Participating in entrepreneurial competitions, such as Junior Achievement (JA) Company Program or StartUp Cup, can provide hands-on experience in launching and managing a business venture. Additionally, seek internships or volunteer opportunities with local businesses or at aso agency to gain real-world exposure and mentorship. These extracurriculars not only enhance your understanding of business concepts but also demonstrate your proactive attitude and commitment to learning, making you a competitive candidate in the future.

2 years ago

This CollegeVine blog post lists some business extracurriculars that could be a good fit for you. All of them are great ways to learn about business no matter what your background is. Hope this helps!

2 years ago


I don't know if your school offers it, but if it does, definitely look into FBLA or DECA! Both are low commitment business clubs (they have a competition element, but if you don't want to compete you don't have too!) and look great on applications! I joined when I was in 10th grade and do not regret it, currently preparing for the state competition for FBLA and met really great friends along the way!

If your school doesn't offer it, definitely look into some internships or ways to volunteer in the business world. Even if it is really small, it will show you what it's really like working in the field and will give you a new perspective.

I hope this helped!!!

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