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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I get amazing extracurriculars if I have limited amount of money and live in a small community?

I am an international student who goes to a small American international school in Indonesia. I need more unique or good extracurriculars outside of the activities my school has to offer. I have limited amount of money so I can't travel far to do extracurricular activities.


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3 answers

5 years ago

You don't need to travel to do extracurriculars. You can tutor your peers in school, play an instrument in the music club, participate in school debates, even help your younger ones at home; it's still an extracurricular. When it comes to internship , you can do it at a local company, it still counts.

5 years ago

The best extracurriculars are those that show commitment and spend a considerable amount of time doing. They're also ones that show passion, and so if you can write a really good essay about something you did, that means it was a good activity. If your school doesn't have many clubs, found one! That shows leadership, which looks great, as well as dedication. If you can find volunteer work, that also counts as an extracurricular, and if you commit to many hours volunteering, that looks good as well.

You could also do something less formal such as tutoring peers, babysitting, or picking up a skill like art or music.

5 years ago

Similar situation here, but in Europe... Try to volunteer locally or in the school (eg I tutor math and SAT in my school), mix with the locals, learn local instrument, martial art, etc. You are in a much more exotic environment! so grab the opportunity because you can really stand out by application time ! Good luck !

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