2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to get into college without that many extracurriculars? Is there another way?

I'm currently a freshman and so far I haven't taken any extracurriculars. I was planning on doing one next year but my friends told me to do more than that. But I don't think I have time. Next year I will be doing two AP classes along with some college courses. I feel the need to do one club at a time. But I have this sense of pressure to do more to stay completive. Do you think two AP classes and some extracurriculars are enough to get into college?


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3 answers

2 years ago

if you're a freshman you have PLENTY of time to get into extracurriculars in high school. Don't worry about it just spend time getting involved

2 years ago

Hi! I would say you don't necessarily need a bunch of extracurriculars to get into college. Everyone's experience is different, so just do the best you can in whatever opportunities you have and they will definitely recognize that. Definitely find some extracurriculars that you are passionate about but don't worry about having a lot on your list.

It depends on the kind of college you want to go to ( how many AP's and extracurriculars you need). I think the plan you have is fine! Don't work yourself up too much.

2 years ago

You will need to do some extracurriculars to be a competitive applicant, but certainly not an overwhelming amount. You should aim to have 10 activities to put on your Common App activities list by the beginning of your senior year, which is when you will be applying to college.

An activity does not have to a long-term commitment to be something that you can talk about on your application. An activity that is centered around one annual event, e.g. an annual triathlon, is acceptable, as is an activity that you did for several months. Paid jobs can be added to your list, and so can community service activities and hobbies. You extracurriculars can also be self-directed - for example, you can start your own business and put as much time into it as you want.

With so many possibilities and three years to find them, you can enough extracurriculars for college as you explore your interests. Hope this helps!

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SAT: 720 math
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