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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

extracurriculars for my interests


I am a freshman at my school but don't take any extracurriculars. I enjoy fashion and reading and I am interested in social media and maybe want to work in marketing in the future, but I am unsure what to take.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

EC's are all about what you're interested in because if you're not then your not gonna be passionate about it in order to move up the leadership ladder, So find what your school offers and see if they offer a club that fit your interest like fashion, marketing, or social media. If your school doesn't offer any of these things or anything else that catches your eye, start your own club. If you need guidance on starting a I'd suggest reading this website it helped me when I started my club: club

Finally, don't give up and don't rush, as you're a freshman you have plenty of time to explore your options or plan to start your own club, times on your side as of now!

Good Luck !!

2 years ago

You can do any extracurriculars that allow you to explore your interests. You can join or start school clubs, do paid work, volunteer, start your own company or non-profit, pursue a creative project (e.g. a blog), study subjects independently, and any other activity that creates a positive impact on yourself and others. My advice is to follow your passions wherever they lead you until sophomore year. By the time you are a junior, you should add a few activities to your list that relate to your major of interest if you have not done so before.

Check out this CollegeVine blog post for lots of extracurricular ideas that will inspire you. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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