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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does a spike in grades from 9th&10th grade to 11th and first semester of 12th grade really matter to AOs as much as say?

I got mostly B+s and A-s 9th and 10th grade. In 11th grade and the first semester of 12th grade I have gotten As and A+s. Will an admissions office actually value this or recognize it as some people say it is weighted nicely.

Also-Any tips on how to create a STEM "spike" in my application?

Thank you everyone!

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Admissions officers will value the increase in your grades - and most of all, the consistently high unweighted GPA that your many A's will give you.

Spikes matter to admissions officers as well, though you do not need to hone it down too much until 11th grade. 9th grade is the year where you get acquainted to high school, so it is not expected for students to do a lot of extracurriculars then. By 10th grade, AO's will want to see more extracurricular exploration, and it is okay if it is in a variety of areas. 11th and 12 grade are when you should thoroughly develop your spike.

This CollegeVine blog post has tips on creating a spike in STEM or any other field. Hope this helps!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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