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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What is out there for mathematics opportunities during COVID?

I'm going to turn 16 in August and start my junior year. I want to go into the math/engineering field, but I just can't find any opportunities to back up what I want to do outside of online classes. I was going to form a math club at my school this year, but that kinda went down the drain now. Are there any organizations, competitions (on or offline), or people I can generally talk to? I am "tutoring" some people, but it's nothing major. I really want to find out if it's right for me. Thanks :)

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2 answers

4 years ago

So depending on engineering field and just about any math field you can start a blog about wierd phenomenons in the field. You might be able to sign up as a tutor and get paid for that. Also my school district has committed to opening up so you might still get the opportunity (were in a major metro area in Midwest USA). Also especially in math if you do not have a stellar math EC it wouldn’t be held against you same for most engineering fields. Also my school has a sort of trivia club that has math elements and might be worth a look.

Hope this helps and comment if you need clarification.

4 years ago

Hello. I'm not sure if this will be relevant for you, but here is an interesting resource with math online for children There are also other subjects there, so you can see, I personally liked the public speaking course for children.

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