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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

during the covid-19 pandemic how can I improve my extracurricular actvities?

I am a student in grade 12 in India. As of now i dont have any extracurricular activities.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

If it's safe for you to do so, you could reach out to local organizations such as food banks or animal shelters to see if they need volunteers. Volunteering, especially if you commit a good number of hours to it, is something that can be done outside of school or if your school doesn't have many clubs or ECs. You could also look into tutoring peers or younger students (even for free, if you're willing) during the upcoming school year. This would count as an EC if it's structured or you do it regularly.

If you have a hobby you're invested in, such as music or art, that you spend considerable time working on, you can put that on your application, as well as any job you've had. Look at the things you've done, and try to think about whether they could qualify as an EC. Do you play sports with your friends? Babysit? It doesn't have to be a huge thing or through your school for it to count. If you're passionate or put time in, put it on your application!

4 years ago

I am sure you have. Probably not in the organized way that define extracurricular in the USA. However, you spend some time playing some sport, socializing with some groups of people, have some political or other interests. Try to present them in a nice way and use the next few weeks to take them a notch up (even in Covid you can do things). Be creative and take care :)

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