2 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP Scores Submission in July

If I did not report one of my AP scores on my application and I have to submit my official AP scores, do I still have time to cancel or withhold the AP score?


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2 answers

2 years ago

Yes. Fill out the form on College Board's website for cancelling the score as soon as you can now so that it will be ready to submit when you need to report scores.

2 years ago

Hi @mwitherman43!

From the CollegeBoard website:

The AP Program allows you to cancel your AP Exam scores. When you request cancellation, your exam won’t be scored, and if it has already been scored, the score will be permanently deleted from our records. Once a score is canceled, it can’t be reinstated. There’s no fee for this service, but your exam fee is not refunded. Archived scores can’t be canceled.

Scores can be canceled at any time, but for scores not to be sent to the college or university indicated online through the free score send in My AP, AP Services for Students must receive your request by June 15 of the year you took the AP Exam.

Another option is to choose to withhold one or more AP Exam scores from any college or scholarship program that you choose as a score recipient. The score will be withheld from any future score reports sent to that college or scholarship program. Unlike a cancellation request, a request to withhold a score does not permanently delete your score. The fee to withhold a score is $10 per score per college, which does not include the cost to send your score report to the designated institution.

You may later remove the withhold by sending AP Services a signed written request. There is no charge to remove a withhold on a score.

For scores to be withheld from the college or university indicated online through the free score send in My AP, AP Services for Students must receive your request and payment by June 15 of the year you took the AP Exam.

Hope this helps!

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