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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is the chance of acceptance different for transfer students? If so, is it higher or lower than higschool applicants'?

Right now, I'm halfway through my second year in college at a local university. I'm thinking of applying abroad for a bachelor's degree. Should I wait till I get my bachelor's at my university and then apply internationally for a master's degree? Or should I apply right now and start over? What do you think?

@mk11332 years ago

i have the exact same dilemma, any opinions would be welcome!!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

If you are trying to transfer into a T10 school like Stanford, MIT, Yale, Princeton, or Harvard, then it's virtually impossible to get in as a transfer student. The acceptance rate is a fraction of the admission rate for incoming first-year students. Some are as low a 0.75%, 0.8%, and 1.6%. Something like that.

If you are less picky then there are more transfer options like transferring into NYU or UCLA, UC Berkeley, Cornell or Columbia University is about 3 times easier as a transfer student versus a first-time applicant. 15% to 25%

I do not agree with the other respondents' answers. First, you should decide what your major is and then make a list of good schools that offer that major, and then pick the ones with good transfer rates. You can easily find a colleges transfer acceptance rate in Section D of the Common Data Set for a particular college. And in Section C. you can compare that to the incoming first-year rate.

Good luck.

2 years ago

Hi @Nahom!

If you're already halfway through your second year in college, it would be a good idea to complete your bachelor's there and then apply for a Master's in the US. It's pointless to start over because it's very hard to get into a US college that gives enough financial aid to international transfers.

Hope this helps!

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