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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which Course Should I take?

Currently, I am a freshman in high school. I am going through the College Credit Plus program (if you're not familiar with it, CCP is a program where you can earn college and high school credits while still in high school.) I've been admitted, however, I'm having trouble figuring out which math class I should take. This year I took Algebra I honors and passed it without trouble; it was simple. I have the choice of taking College Algebra or College Trigonometry. Is it possible to take college-level trigonometry after only taking Algebra I honors, or should I take College Algebra. And also, would taking College-Level Algebra mean that I'm learning things that have already been learned, or just extending my knowledge of the subject to higher education levels? Thank you.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I believe college level algebra will contain the same basis of information you learned in alg 1 honors, but it will just dig deeper into that and apply it to a higher level of education, like you said. As for which one you should take, I would recommend speaking to your guidance counselor and seeing what they recommend. If you know the teachers that will teach the 2 classes, you could also go to them and ask for a sample of what the course material will look like. I've personally done that a few times and it gives you a good sense of if you think you can handle it or not.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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