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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take chemistry and physics at the same time for my sophomore year of high school?

I'm an upcoming sophomore and I don't know if it would be wise to take 2 science classes in the same year. For background info, I want to do these 2 together because I have a lot of science classes in my junior and senior years since I want to do something relating to medicine in the future. I do very well in biology and science-related classes have always been easy for me, but I'm not sure if that would be the same for chemistry and physics. I really want to take these two together, but I also need to maintain all A's. I'm not sure if doing this would risk that chance for me.

@mallorysnydr2 years ago

Will either of the classes be honors-level or AP?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@DalphineL.24682 years ago

Both of the classes are honors-level

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

If you have excelled in science courses in the past I would think that honors level chemistry and physics would be do-able for you. Especially since you want to do something related to medicine in the future, taking both of those classes would be beneficial. It is sort of a risk, though, because physics is more math-based and won't be like biology. As for chemistry, I personally was awful at science and ended chemistry honors with an 87 average. So if you're confident in your abilities for science courses, you should be perfectly fine!

2 years ago

As a sophomore finishing dual credit Chemistry with friends in Physics, I know that Physics's course load is awful and would recommend saving it for your junior year if you're not confident. If you are confident (in your science AND math skills) I believe you can excel, and it would greatly benefit you in the future.

2 years ago

This year I took honors chemistry and honors biology and last year I took honors physics. I think the course load with two science classes is manageable and I don't regret taking two. Physics requires more math than bio or chemistry (and more studying to do well in my experience). I think you would do fine taking both unless the rest of your courseload is very heavy.

Also if your school has an add/drop period at the beginning of the school year and it turns out to be too much you could drop one of the classes

2 years ago

From personal experience while doing both is possible it can be very hard and stressful to get good grades and keep up doing both. If possible, don't do it, but if you really want to be ready for some heavy course loads.

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