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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I make up for having ilness during most of high school and still get into elite colleges as freshman?

I had illness most of my high school. How can I make up for it and still get into elite colleges as freshman?

@tamara5 years ago

Many college applications provide a section where you can discuss special circumstances or challenges that you faced that may have prevented you from reaching your full potential during your time in high school. I would definitely recommend talking about your illness there. In addition to this, a lot of elite colleges have abandoned admitting students based only on grades. If you show drive and a passion for learning, you'll stand out! Those are just some ideas. I hope you're feeling better!

5 years ago [edited]

Hi @sain0052, I noticed you had many questions that were very similar, so I went ahead and removed them. In the future, know that you can edit your question to add more details. You got some good responses here, and I hope they help! I hope you're recovered now from your illness too. Good luck!

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3 answers

5 years ago[edited]

Since you mention in your other posts under different accounts that you were not a good HS student with 70 PCT/100 average which is a C student, that you had an extended mental illness, and 16 years have passed since you graduated, you can't make up for your HS record in any practical way. Even if you got 100s for redoing 2 years of HS, you still would only have an 85 average correct? And elite colleges typically require GPA's of 90-100 with most of them in the 95-98 range. Your best bet is going to community college for 2 years and retaking all the core requirements for Elite colleges, 2 years each of College Maths, 2 years of college English, 2 years of college History, 2 years of a language and 2 years of science preferable Bio, Chem, or Physics. If you get As in these 10 classes or 50 or 60 credits worth and have good ACT/SAT/SAT II test scores, recommendations from your CC professors, some interesting side activities that benefit the community, some leadership experience in either CC clubs or your own start-up, great essays and examples of intellectual curiosity outside of the classroom, you will be a competitive candidate. Good luck

5 years ago

Colleges especially the top but not ivy are pretty understanding if you can prove you did the bast as was feasible. And you can email the admissions or just include in additional info. Or you can write about your struggle with x illness in an essay.

5 years ago

Many college applications provide a section where you can discuss special circumstances or challenges that you faced that may have prevented you from reaching your full potential during your time in high school. I would definitely recommend talking about your illness there. In addition to this, a lot of elite colleges have abandoned admitting students based only on grades. If you show drive and a passion for learning, you'll stand out! Those are just some ideas. I hope you're feeling better! (I accidentally added this as a comment, sorry!)

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