I’m a junior in high school with a 1300 SAT and a 3.7 GPA, but I’m lacking on extracurriculars. I play sports, am a member of student government, and am a member of two clubs. Any suggestions for other things I could do this summer? Thanks!
(PS looking to major in allied health/rehab and then a master’s in athletic training)
- Volunteer at a hospital
- Shadow healthcare workers (physical therapist) or athletes [Try to be an active participant by assisting them at their workplace or taking notes/asking questions]
- Part Time Job
- Tutor or teach kids the sport you play in your community for free or maybe paid
- Passion Project (come up with innovative ways to translate your hobbies into activities that serve the community) Ex: Someone into gardening might start a community garden. Or cook organic dishes with these ingredients and distribute them to homeless shelters.
Good Luck!!
Judging from how you're already involved in 5 activities I wouldn't say you necessarily need more extracurriculars. But if there is an opportunity to do something medically related (especially if it can have a relation to the two sports you're in) that would definitely help. Even something as simple as being cpr certified or being a active lifeguard I would recommend. Hope this helps :)
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^^ Yesss I suggest this as well. In case you want ideas for medical experiences, I've listed some on my post :))