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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What colleges should I look to apply to? (Reach/Target/Safety)

I've just finished my junior year and will be a senior starting August, but I still don't really have any idea of what college I want to go to. All I know is that I want to get into a good school majoring in business, but my backup major would economics. For my stats, I took all regular classes during my freshman year and had straight A's but one B in Biology in the second semester. I screwed up my sophomore year due to my mental health caused by family issues, getting a C in Algebra II Trig and a B in Chem Honors in my first semester. Second semester, I had a C in English, Algebra II Trig, and Chem Honors and also had a B in AP World. I took 2 AP's and one honors class that year. My junior year, I really picked it up and got straight A's while taking 3 AP classes and two honors classes. I'm also planning on taking two more AP classes to boost my GPA a little in my senior year. Any recommendations for reach/target/safety schools?


Unweighted GPA: 3.78 (If straight A's through first semester of senior year)

Weighted GPA: 4.20 (If straight A's through first semester of senior year)

7 AP (Computer Science Principles (10), World History (10), Pre-Calc (11), U.S. History (11), Computer Science A (11), Gov/Econ (12), Calc AB (12))

3 Honors (Chem (10), Physics (11), Physiology (11))

SAT: 1460 (taken once)

Didn't take ACT


Have done taekwondo since the age of 5, receiving the honor of a 2nd degree black belt and have also been an assistant teacher for it.

Have played piano since the age of 5, competing and winning places in various piano competitions. (2nd place winner in the international piano competition Carnegie Hall, performed my winning piece at the Carnegie Hall in Manhattan, New York in December of 2022,

achieved 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place in the U.S. Open piano competition, received the highest rating of Unanimous Superior in a duet performance as the pianist in CMEA (California Music Educators Association)

Part of school band since 6th grade.

Have played golf since I was 7 years old, now earning a spot on my high school's varsity golf team.


Part time job during my junior year + president of one club + officer of one club

100+ volunteer hours


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

What's your demographic information? Do attend a public high school or a private one? Are you White, Asian, or a person of color, Latina, or indigenous? Are you applying for financial aid? What are your AP test scores? Do you live in CA? or NY? Besides the 1 club, you hold a leadership position in, what other leadership, community service, and volunteering positions do you have?

2 years ago

Based on the information you provided, here are some recommendations for reach, target, and safety schools for your college search:

Reach Schools:

1. University of Pennsylvania

2. Duke University

3. Northwestern University

4. University of California, Berkeley

5. University of Michigan

6. University of Virginia

7. New York University (NYU)

8. University of Southern California (USC)

9. Boston College

10. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Target Schools:

1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2. University of Wisconsin-Madison

3. Indiana University Bloomington

4. University of Texas at Austin

5. University of Washington

6. University of California, Davis

7. University of Florida

8. George Washington University

9. Boston University

10. Northeastern University

Safety Schools:

1. University of Massachusetts Amherst

2. University of Connecticut

3. University of Delaware

4. University of Colorado Boulder

5. University of Pittsburgh

6. Arizona State University

7. Rutgers University

8. University of Oregon

9. Drexel University

10. University of Alabama

When selecting schools, consider factors such as location, campus culture, internship and networking opportunities, and the strength of their business and economics programs. It's also a good idea to visit campuses, attend virtual information sessions, and speak with current students or alumni to get a better sense of the schools that interest you.

Additionally, continue to focus on your academics, aim for strong grades, and perform well in your senior year. Consider retaking the SAT if you believe you can improve your score, or even explore taking the ACT as another standardized testing option.

Remember that college admissions is a holistic process, and while your grades and test scores are important, your extracurricular involvement, leadership experiences, essays, and letters of recommendation also play significant roles in the admissions decision. Highlight your unique experiences and accomplishments in your application materials to present a compelling and well-rounded profile.

Good luck with your college applications!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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