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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which essay topic should I use for the CommonApp?

Hello! Rising senior here, trying to narrow down a topic for my Common App essay. I am currently debating between two topics for the essay and could use some feedback. The first essay topic is about how identities based solely on our interests/hobbies are limiting and that personalities are not two dimensional but based on various factors and interests. For example, saying I wanted to be a doctor as a child has defined my whole existence but in reality, I, in this example, have other qualities and interests that have helped me develop my own personality, like gardening or something. If that makes any sense? For the second idea, I planned on discussing how teaching myself my heritage language has helped me to connect with my culture and develop my interest internationally wise. I have already drafted an outline for the first essay idea, but I felt like it was too complicated/philosophical, and my words weren't doing it justice. But on the other hand, I feel like my second idea falls into a cliche of sorts? Honestly, any advice could help and would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! Okay, so I LOVE your first essay idea! That shows that you're a creative thinker and super self-aware, which looks great to colleges. I understand that it's very philosophical, but if you can nail it, I am sure it would be awesome. It sounds absolutely fascinating. I would try to make an outline to concrete your ideas before writing, and also to make sure everything flows well.

The second idea is nice as well, but definitely not as unique- you would stand out better with the first one.

Good luck!

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