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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

college essays

I would like to get help from someone who can help me write my college essay

I am a rising senior and actually am lost on what to write about.I checked the common app essays but till i dont know what to write about. Can someone please reach out and help on this

Thank you.

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1 answer

2 years ago

Hi @richie! So sounds like you have a bit of writer's block. Happens to everyone! Some suggestions:

1. Read the prompt and try to fully understand what it is asking. Put it into your own words.

2. Take a day or two to brainstorm about what the prompt means to you and to your application. What about yourself do you want to bring out in the focus of the prompt?

3. Channel your elementary school writing classes and write an outline.

4. Write! Make sure to follow grammar rules and the maximum word count if applicable. I find CollegeVine's peer essay review to be fantastic at reviewing essays and pointing out mistakes and weak points.

5. Edit, edit, edit!!!!

Hope this helps, and good luck!

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