a year ago
Admissions Advice

Should I still apply to schools with a foreign language requirement even though I'm missing such credits?

I'm an uprising senior looking to apply for colleges. My target school UCLA requires applicants to have a minimum of 2 years of a foreign language, although I've never taken them throughout high school. My school system gives students a pre-determined schedule: I with computer science, cybersecurity, and physical education electives other than Spanish. In my Junior year (and later Senior year), I've taken Dual Enrollment classes at a community college, however, my diploma requires specific science courses (Biology and Chemistry for a Science Associate), again leaving no room for Spanish.

I was wondering if I should still apply to select schools even with the foreign language requirement. Maybe I could appeal by taking Spanish classes at their college, or they could overlook this with my GPA and SAT scores.

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1 answer

4 months ago

Hey! Sorry I'm a bit late to the party. I just wanted to answer the question in case some others were wondering the same. If UCLA is a school that is very important to you, by all means, plead your case in the "additional information" section of the application. Explain your situation to a tee and they may or may not make an exception. If UCLA is not that important to you, it might be a better idea to put your energy into a different school that does not have a world language requirement. Best of luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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