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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I get C’s in all sciences for IGCSE will I still get to a good school

If I get C’s in IGCSE in all my sciences will I still have the chance to get into a good school

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@mythologylover2 years ago

Hi, I entered IGCSE exams too. As far as I know, having all C's in IGCSE is not as important for colleges as SAT, ACT, A-Levels, or IB. IGCSE is more like an introduction to these exams and you still have the chance to make them A's! Are you a junior student? Because since you passed your IGCSEs and you have a chance to get higher grades in the upcoming years, it will not be a factor that colleges will consider. Good luck!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Fatherricrystal2 years ago

No I’m not a junior student. It was just like a preparation for the real IGCSE but I am having second thoughts on writing if I am going to continue getting C’s in my sciences

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