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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are AP scores and classes something that can make or break being admitted to a college when comparing two students?

I have taken one AP course each year of high Schoo. I know other students take 3 or 4. Just because I've only taken one per year, will that lessen my chances of being accepted if it came down between me and a person who has taken 2 or more AP classes?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

AP classes are supplemental to your chances of admission because they help prove that one is ready for college and that they have chosen to challenge themselves on top of potentially boosting your GPA. AP scores however will be less influential in whether or not you get admitted but rather whether or not you are eligible for college credit in that particular subject. The most important thing is to maintain your grades themselves. The test scores are at the mercy of whoever is your AP grader so they do not truly reflect you as a student. Don't overwhelm yourself with APbut do take on academic challenges. Hope this helps.

5 years ago

So AP classes and exams will not kill your application but lack of rigor will especially if AP classes are offered at your school.

AP exams are near meaningless in admissions.

Hope this helps and comment if you need clarification.

5 years ago

It depends! If you truly enjoyed and did well in these classes, I'd say that it may not matter. It's a well-known fact that colleges prefer the bulk of your classes to be APs, though, but don't be discouraged. The other parts of your application (essays, test scores, resume) will help you as well.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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