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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

My Activties Section

I was wondering if you would be willing to take a look at my Common App Activties and tell me what you think at first impression. If you think I show leadership, commitment, and accomplishment, on there.

1. Football( Led JV/Freshman team during games, ran practices, motivated team to win, and promoted positive attitude. Varsity Athlete 11th and 12th grades)

Hrs a Week: 8

Weeks per year: 44

Participation: 9,10,11,12

2. Ultimate Frisbee (Initially was Vice President of the Club;Helped get a professional team at Stargate; Served as Captain of team; Ran team social media accounts)

Hrs a Week: 5

Weeks per year: 34

Participation: 9,10,11,12

3. Knowledge Bowl(Won 3A State and Regional Tournament all 4 years of high school. Placed 2nd in national tournament all 4 years of high school. Secretary 11-12th grade)

Hrs a Week: 3

Weeks per year: 34

Participation: 9,10,11,12

4. FBLA(Won 1st place in District Website Design Competition. 5th place in Coding and Programming at State competition. Helped Organize and Plan Fundraisers)

Hrs a Week: 3

Weeks per year: 40

Participation: 11,12

5. Job(Worked as Food runner; Ran trays of food to bays in the venue, expedited in kitchen

Hrs a Week: 6

Weeks per year: 42

Participation: 10,11,12

6. Volunteer(Organized clothes, sorted clothes for children in need. Organized Resource Center with food, clothes, and supplies for customers in need)

Hrs a Week: 2.5

Weeks per year: 34

Participation: 9,10,11,12

7. Ran a Blog(Ran Broncos Blog with a friend, Posted content 2 times a week about Denver Broncos, have made over 100 posts, posted 35,000 words)

Hrs a Week: 1.5

Weeks per year: 30


8. Coded Video games( Coded video games with friends in Python and JS. Coded 2 games published online with 500 plays. )

Hrs a Week: 2

Weeks per year: 20

Participation: 11,12

9. Football(Helped Peer Tutor Kids before school in Math, History, and Science; Participated in Fundraisers; Collaborated with other members)

Hrs a Week: 2

Weeks per year: 32

Participation: 10,11,12


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Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey there @Swayam_Jain17!

Everything looks great-- you seem very dedicated! You have a great variety of clubs, sports, community service, awards, passion projects, and jobs. The only thing I can think of is that you might want to reorder based on importance-- I would put the blog under coding a video game and maybe move your job a little higher up? Just a thought, everything looks really strong.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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