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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will taking AP Computer Science A senior year increase my chances of getting into Georgia Tech?

I am a junior, and I'm trying to decide what courses to take next year. I already plan on taking 3 other AP classes, and I don't want to stress myself senior year with an additional AP. However, my dream school is Gatech, and I want to be a software engineer. Will taking AP Computer Science A help my chances with getting into this college?

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2 answers

5 years ago

It sounds like you're already loading up on several AP courses your senior year, so it's important that you don't overburden your schedule and to consider your other academic/social commitments before taking on an additional AP. You'll also need to dedicate some time to college applications and a packed schedule could limit your ability to prepare. If you want to be an engineer and AP Computer Science closely aligns with that interest, I would suggest taking a look at the other 3 you're already planning on taking and deciding which courses you would most benefit from. Enrolling in AP courses already shows your commitment to challenging yourself so just make sure you aren't spreading yourself too thin in other areas in your life!

5 years ago

It may give you a boost head to head compared to others but if you just have the AP class you have a bad chance of admittence so make sure everything is as good as you could get it

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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