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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is Spanish 2 honors or Chemistry honors better?

Hi, I'm a rising sophomore and an international student. I got all A's last year(freshman) and I feel like my ECs are strong(art contest national, portfolio, cheer manager(position made by me), made an art tutoring service(volunteer), art commissioner, NAHS Historian, and NHS) so I decided that I want to go to Harvard or Yale. I know this sounds little intense but I got 4.0 GPA and 4.15 weighted so I'm just making my dream big(please don't judge). My sophomore schedule is set, however, I can only choose between Chemistry honors or Spanish 2 honors. I do not have to take Spanish, but I just did last year because I wanted to imply to colleges that I can speak 3 languages. What should I take? Chemistry honors is going to be really hard, and I did not take bio honors last year, but Spanish honors is going to be okay because of the teachers. I have to go to art tutor 3 times a week for 4 hours per day so I don't really have much time.

so these are my questions:

-Chem honors is going to hard, but what should I take? Spanish 2 honors or Chemistry honors?

-Should I stop taking Spanish? What does colleges think of stopping language at 1 year?

thank you!!


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4 answers

4 years ago


I would advise that you choose on the basis of what you would like to major in, in the future. If you plan on pursuing education in STEM, then I would advise that you go with Chemistry honours. If you do not plan to study STEM at a post-secondary level than I would recommend you continue with Spanish.

4 years ago

Deciding which class to take would depend on a number of factors. First of all, there are schools that require a certain amount of years (usually 3-4 years) of each subject, especially in Foreign Languages and Sciences. At the end of the day, you can explain your situation as to why you could not take some of the challenging classes (you could mention your commitments when explaining to the colleges). If you are still taking regular Chemistry and regular Spanish II regardless of which Honors class you are taking, then you have more liberty of choosing based on your own interest. After all, colleges like Harvard and Yale look at applications in a holistic manner (which means they consider everything in equal amounts). Also, if you are not required to take Spanish and taking Spanish would mean that you cannot take regular Chemistry, then I would suggest Chemistry Honors. But as someone who wants to focus on art, it would be suggested to focus on humanities and Spanish II Honors would be recommended if you can still take regular chemistry.

4 years ago

Well first of all, what subject interest you more and what major do you intend to pursue. If you are interested in chem and want to pursue a STEM related major, then I definitely recommend taking chem. However, if chemistry does not interest you and will not related to your major, then it does not really matter much. Another thing to keep in mind is that colleges like to see that you challenge yourself. So taking a hard course like chem will seem more impressive than taking an easier course. Since you already know a different world language and have taken Spanish, I wouldn't stress about taking Spanish II.

4 years ago

What are you more interested in? Because if you like the humanities better, you should take Spanish 2 Honors, because it relates more to your subject of interest. But, if you like STEM and want to do engineering or premed, chem honors is a MUST. So seriously depends on your subject. Also, a note, colleges like to see 2-4 years of foreign language (UC system and MIT like 2 years, Harvard/Brown like 3-4 years)...

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