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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What stanford need?

Hi there, i know you are expert in collage admission. i am a HS freshman i want to know that how the average stanford admit profile look like(stats,ecs,lor and essays).


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3 answers

4 years ago

These are the requirements for a successful admit to Stanford in addition to the stats provided by Ree1

Our Selection Process

Holistic Admission

At Stanford, we practice holistic admission. Each piece in an application is part of an integrated and comprehensive whole.

One piece tells us about your background and life experiences, another about your school and your academic achievement. We learn from others about your character and intellectual contributions. In your essays, we learn about your ideas and interests, and what is meaningful to you.

In a holistic review, we seek to understand how you, as a whole person, would grow, contribute, and thrive at Stanford, and how Stanford would, in turn, be changed by you.

Academic Excellence

The primary criterion for admission to Stanford is academic excellence. We look for your preparation and potential to succeed. We expect you to challenge yourself throughout high school and to do very well. The most important credential for evaluating your academic record is your high school transcript. Please know that our evaluation goes beyond any numerical formula. There is no minimum GPA or test score; nor is there any specific number of AP or honors courses you must have on your transcript in order to be admitted to Stanford.

Intellectual Vitality

We want to see your commitment, dedication and genuine interest in expanding your intellectual horizons; both in what you write about yourself and in what others write on your behalf. We want to see the kind of curiosity and enthusiasm that will allow you to spark a lively discussion in a freshman seminar and continue the conversation at a dinner table. We want to see the energy and depth of commitment you will bring to your endeavors, whether that means in a research lab, as part of a community organization, during a performance or on an athletic field. We want to see the initiative with which you seek out opportunities and expand your perspective.

Extracurricular Activities

Learning about your extracurricular activities and nonacademic interests helps us understand your potential contributions to the Stanford community. Students often assume our primary concern is the number of activities in which a student participates. In fact, an exceptional depth of experience in one or two activities may demonstrate your passion more than minimal participation in five or six clubs. You may also hold down a job or have family responsibilities. These are as important as any other extracurricular activity. In general, we want to understand the impact you have had at your job, in your family, in a club, in your school, or in the larger community, and we want to learn of the impact that experience has had on you.

In some cases, exceptional abilities in athletics may influence our decision if the applicant is otherwise well qualified, but such abilities never, by themselves, ensure admission to Stanford.


Just as no two Stanford students are the same, each applicant to Stanford is unique. This means that as we review each application, we pay careful attention to unique circumstances. We take into account your background, educational pathway, and work and family responsibilities. By focusing on your achievements in context, we evaluate how you have excelled in your school environment and how you have taken advantage of what is available to you in your school and community.

It is important to know these variables are not listed in order of importance in our evaluation and selection process. We review applications holistically. No portion of the application is considered without the rest of the application.

4 years ago

Well people applying to Standford are very competitive. They generally have high SAT and ACT scores. The middle 50% ranged from 1440 to 1570 in 2019 for the SAT and 32-35 for the ACT. But I would recommend having a 1520+ (or 34+ on Act) for a stronger chance. As for GPA, students will have near perfect GPAs and will be getting all or nearly all As in high level classes. You should be taking many AP classes. As for ECs, recognition at the state or national level helps. Leadership and community service is important. Showcase your interests throughout ECs. And their essays and recommendations should also be quite strong.

4 years ago

FYI usually googling admission profile insert school Will get the result.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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