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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Freshman Year

Hey Guys! Just an average freshman in high school worrying about grades. I have a D+ in honors earth science. Do you think this will have an ton of impact on my admission to ivy schools. And I have two other bs and all a’s. I’m on a youth international sport team and going to volunteer in a different continent during a summer for a big church. Do you think I still have chances?

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Let’s welcome @Ss8209741 to the community! Remember to be kind, helpful, and supportive in your responses.
@CAsunset5 years ago

Do you think you want to study science in college?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Ss82097415 years ago

No, probably computer science or information sciences

@CAsunset5 years ago

Ok cool. Are you only interested in ivy schools or are you thinking about other schools too?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Ss82097415 years ago

I’m thinking about Uc’s, Stanford and ivy schools.

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3 answers

5 years ago

Yes, it will certainly hold some weight. Make up for those by getting better grades in the coming years. Extra currics play a part as well, be consistent in your efforts. I would make sure to score 1500+ on the SAT, and get a 4.0+ GPA. Those are the cutoff points for Ivy's––and even then, your admission is not guaranteed.

Best of luck!

5 years ago

Thank you, quick update!

I have a C+ now. Do you think that it’s better?


5 years ago

Hey @Ss8209741,

Since you're only a freshman, don't worry too too much about your D+ (you shouldn't stress out too much, bc that doesn't really help in my experience). If you can try to get your Earth Science grade up to a C or B range in the next few months, that would definitely help you. If not, then showing improvement year to year is super important too - so stay on top of your science classes next year and beyond :)

If you wanted to study science/geology in college, then having a D+ in earth science would be a huge red flag for any college. BUT, since you're thinking about computer science or information science, that is less of a concern. You'll definitely want to show improvement though.

The ivy schools are super hard to get into, so it's great that you're starting to think about your grades now. It's also great that you have some other schools on your radar because there are SO many great schools out there (especially with computer science programs) that you could be a great fit for! And your grades will matter for all of those schools too!

It might be worth asking yourself WHY you are struggling with your Earth Science class. If you can figure out the reason, then you will know more about yourself as a student/learner and can make some changes for your next few years in high school, like staying after class for extra help, speaking up when you're confused, or different studying strategies!

Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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