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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does taking guitar lessons count as an extracurricular activity?

I plan to take guitar lessons throughout high school, and will probably major in music when I get to college. Do guitar lessons count as an extracurricular activity?


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2 answers

4 years ago

Personally, I play the violin, piano, flute and sax, however none of them are at a really high level, meaning that yes, it will count as an extracurricular, but it will not be significant. As you said, you WILL be taking classes throughout high school, meaning 4 years at most. IMO 4 years is not enough to get it at a high enough level to be significant. The answer to your question is yes, it will count as an extracurricular, but it wont be significant though.

4 years ago[edited]

Yes they do count especially as it is major related but it will likely not be very impressive but it is most certainly an EC especially if you upload the music on YT or another platform.

However if you use the lessons and then enter a competition and get a significant achievement there replace lessons with the contest.

Hope this helps.

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