Hi! My name is Yelena, and I'm a freshman in high school. I am debating on whether I should join the track and field varsity team at my school. I don't exactly excel at track, but I know I can qualify because the varsity teams at my school are relatively easy to get into. I'm just wondering whether it is worth it. I have a lot of AP exams and other extracurricular activities this year that I have to work on, and Varsity track requires a lot of time commitment. On the other hand, I know it is good for college. Any advice? Thank you :)
Believe it or not, colleges can often tell if you're doing something just to get into college vs. doing something because you want to. When you apply to colleges and write your essays, you will have to sell yourself as a person. This means not just saying "I have great grades and did a lot of extracurriculars," but also showing the why behind your actions. Did you do Varsity track because you really wanted to get into that school or was it also because you want to gain some experience from it that will benefit you as a person and not just as a statistic?
Regardless, Varsity track would definitely help. If you aren't actually interested in it for the sake of running track, I would try to find a different extracurricular that might contribute to what you want to do with your life (ex. Science Fair if you wanted to be a STEM major, theater if you wanted to improve your public speaking). But if it interests you, then go for it! You'll get to improve your resume and do something that you enjoy as well.
I believe it's a good bonus for college as long as it doesn't affect your grades/exams or other extracurricular activities.
Good luck with your AP exams!
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That is a great reminder! I really want to do Latin Dance, and to be honest, I don't like track & field that much. I used to take dance classes for about 2 years when I was younger but then I had to quit. I don't know if I have the time to start learning Latin dance because I never tried it before. But dancing is something I actually enjoy. Track and field training is free at school and the school can arrange all the competitions for me, so it would be a practical choice. Do you have any advice?