a year ago
Admissions Advice

What colleges have the best soccer players that go on to play for leagues?

Im looking for a college where it can help my pro career. I hope to get into the NWSL then move to women's juventus first team.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

The most competitive women's college soccer teams are Division I teams. They are all feeder teams into professional women's soccer. Good luck.

1 BYU 1 8 200 7-0-0

2 North Carolina 3 0 184 5-0-3

3 Stanford 2 0 182 6-0-1

4 Florida State 5 0 174 5-0-0

5 UCLA 4 0 171 5-1-0

6 Penn State 6 0 167 6-0-1

7 Alabama 12 0 151 5-0-3

8 Clemson 9 0 140 6-0-2

9 South Carolina 10 0 117 6-1-1

10 Georgetown 13 0 107 4-0-3

11 Arkansas 7 0 106 3-2-1

12 Santa Clara 8 0 105 6-0-2

13 Notre Dame 11 0 103 4-1-2

14 Memphis 16 0 91 5-1-0

15 Duke 14 0 88 4-2-0

16 Texas 17 0 83 6-1-1

17 Xavier 21 0 81 6-1-0

18 Northwestern 20 0 59 6-0-2

19 Michigan NR 0 58 4-1-2

20 Virginia 18 0 47 5-0-2

21 Gonzaga 23 0 44 6-1-1

22 Colorado NR 0 34 7-1-0

23 Georgia NR 0 31 3-1-2

24 Washington State 15 0 22 6-1-0

25 Saint Louis NR 0 22 5-2-1

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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