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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is self studying AP classes worth it?

I really want to take AP Classes, however, the ones I want to take are not offered in the school.

Is it worth taking AP Exams without taking the actual course? Or should I just not take any.

Currently I'm a Junior, with no AP classes this year.

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@arielUC254 years ago

for credit yes... but make sure to take some at school for the course rigor aspect.

@DebaterMAX4 years ago

^ what Adri said

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Honestly it just depends on ur own schedule. If you feel like you’ll have the time and motivation to actually study and pass then go for it! But you have to think for the future, you’ll be taking your regular school classes and whatever else you have to do in it daily life.

Personally from me I wouldn’t take the AP Exam without taking the course because the teachers who teach the course knows the ins and outs, plus they know what subjects are going to show most on the exam and what’s not going to really matter because they can see the previous tests.

Like I said it’s all up to you! No one can really tell you what classes to take and not to take but we all have our different opinions. Do what you think is best.

4 years ago

Honestly it just depends on ur own schedule. If you feel like you’ll have the time and motivation to actually study and pass then go for it! But you have to think for the future, you’ll be taking your regular school classes and whatever else you have to do in it daily life.

Personally from me I wouldn’t take the AP Exam without taking the course because the teachers who teach the course knows the ins and outs, plus they know what subjects are going to show most on the exam and what’s not going to really matter because they can see the previous tests.

Like I said it’s all up to you! No one can really tell you what classes to take and not to take but we all have our different opinions. Do what you think is best.

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