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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Can you get "refunded" with application fee?

I applied to a university a few weeks ago & paid the application fee because they said they'd send me my admission results in two weeks. It was supposed to be a quick and easy thing because they advertised it "And this application should take less than one hour to complete!" I thought there wouldn't be any problem because I filled out everything on the application site. But when I checked again in two weeks, I didn't get anything.

When I emailed them about it, they replied that they needed more information from me (transcripts and a resident card). What kind of annoyed me is that I had to message them to find this out. It frustrates me how that information wasn't given to me before I applied to that uni because now I have to take extra time and effort trying to figure this out when I could've just done it in one sitting.

Can I get "refunded" for the application fee since I haven't got the admission result yet?

Also, if I do ask the university about this, is it possible that they'll send this information to other schools, and the schools that I actually want to attend might reject me because I'm not trustworthy?


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2 answers

a year ago

You have 2 choices, drop it and move on. Or #2, send them your transcripts and resident card. Other scenarios will just be futile because they deemed your application incomplete. All applications are at the mercy of the admissions office. If they want more information, you have to comply or risk getting your application rejected for being incomplete. This is the way.

a year ago

I understand your frustration with the university's handling of your application process. In most cases, application fees are non-refundable, and this policy is typically stated clearly on the university's application portal or website. However, given the circumstances, it's reasonable to reach out to the university's admissions office and explain your situation. While they may not provide a refund, they might consider your feedback for future improvements to their application process.

As for your concerns about sharing this information with other schools, universities generally prioritize the confidentiality of applicant data. Your communication with one university should not impact your application at other schools. You have the right to inquire about application requirements and express your concerns without worrying about negative consequences in your applications to other institutions. It's important to be transparent and communicate with universities to ensure a smooth application process.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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