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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Can you be on the dance team and major or minor in dance as well?

I would love to either minor or major in dance but also I would love to be on dance team as well. Is it possible though?

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a year ago

Whether you can be on a dance team and major or minor in dance simultaneously depends on the policies and opportunities offered by the specific college or university you plan to attend. Here are some general considerations:

Program Policies: Start by researching the dance program and the dance team at the institution you are interested in. Look for information on whether they allow students to both major or minor in dance and be part of the dance team.

Course Requirements: Consider the course requirements for the dance major or minor. Some programs may have intensive coursework and rehearsal commitments that could make it challenging to participate in a dance team.

Time Management: It's important to assess whether you can effectively manage your time to balance academics, dance classes, rehearsals, and team commitments. Good time management skills are essential.

Auditions: Many dance teams at colleges and universities hold auditions, and being selected for the team may depend on your dance skills and commitment. Be prepared for a competitive audition process.

Talk to Advisors: Reach out to academic advisors and dance program directors to discuss your interests and intentions. They can provide guidance on how to best navigate your academic and extracurricular goals.

Flexibility in Major/Minor: Some dance programs offer flexibility in their major or minor requirements, allowing students to tailor their dance studies to their interests and goals. This could make it easier to accommodate both a dance major or minor and participation in a dance team.

Consider Alternatives: If you find that it's challenging to both major or minor in dance and be on a dance team, consider other options such as taking dance classes as electives or participating in dance-related clubs and performances on campus.

Review Program Handbook: Review the program handbook or website of the dance team to understand their expectations, rehearsal schedules, and time commitments.

It's important to note that the policies and opportunities can vary widely from one institution to another. Some colleges and universities may have a more flexible approach that allows students to pursue both academic and extracurricular interests, while others may have stricter requirements.

To make an informed decision, it's advisable to reach out to the specific institution's admissions and dance program offices for guidance. They can provide you with detailed information on the options available to you and help you plan your academic and extracurricular path accordingly.

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