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a year ago
Admissions Advice


I received an email from Cornell admissions to attend a virtual meeting about financial aid information and my parents can listen..I already applied and last week I attended a virtual session. Does this mean anything ? Thanks


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

I think they are just trying to recruit students and get them interested in their school. I get emails from about 3-5 colleges each day (and unsubscribe from the ones that don't have my major) and they often have free events or materials they want to give you. Some of this info can be helpful but it just gets to be too much, which is why I unsubscribe. However, if you are already connected with Cornell in any way, then it may mean something but it's probably just information for possible applicants. Getting emailed by a college without subscribing to them is good in the sense that they somehow got your academic info and were pleased with it enough to try and recruit you! That can be encouraging :) if you don't get swamped by 100's of colleges like me. This is probably due to my GPA listed on all my scholarship accounts, so I have been emailed by colleges like Lehigh University, University of Pennsylvania, Brown University, and Wheaton College. These emails are their way of gathering interest and essentially marketing their college.

Hope this helps :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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