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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

do you have any recommendations in how to find out what you should study?

For 2 years I have always been into Medicine, but this quarantine made me realize that maybe I'm not that good at treating people. Since 8th grade I have always wanted to become a Neurosurgeon or an Anesthesiologist, but I have been more intrigued into Economy now. But I feel that Medicine will always be my dream but it's too complicated and that I'll not be that good at it, but Math is an issue for me but I love Micro and Macro. I love Biology but don't know if I'm that good at Chemistry


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

I heard ONET's online test and database helped some people. It basically asks you to rate how much you would like doing each activity they suggest and gives you a list of professions that match. You can filter the jobs by training, job perspective, etc. I hope this helps!:

4 years ago

The best way to figure out what you want to study is to get more involved with these fields. I don't know how much time you have left before going to college, but it recommend getting involved in medicine and business before. You could try volunteering at a hospital or clinic to see if you like medicine or talk to an economics professor and get involved with some research. Now is the time for you to find your interests and see what you are passionate about most. In college you do not have to declare your major right away. Take some classes in the premed track and take some economics and business classes and see what you like better. Then you can declare your major and follow what you want to do. And you can always be a premed student with an economics major, although it may be difficult. Just find out what you are passionate about.

4 years ago

The mymajors assement if offered by a via retry of top schools as a resource and is very helpful and is well worth the 10 minutes to take it and it’s free.

I personally took it and it showed 3/4 majors I was looking at and the 4th is a fairly obscure field.

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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