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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I double major or major/minor in college?

I want to become a lawyer and I am not sure if I should double major or a major/minor in college. I'm almost certain that I will major in political science but I heard that there aren't many job prospects with a political science degree outside the law track so I feel like adding on another major would be helpful. Also since getting into law school isn't solely focused on one major, wouldn't two help broaden my knowledge? I am also wondering about the extra costs that will accompany adding on another major/minor in college and If I would be too overwhelmed? Which one is more effective? Major/minor or double major? Please help!

My stats:

I am a rising senior with a 3.85 unweighted GPA, will have taken 5 AP classes by end of senior year as well as 5 dual credit classes and I have taken all advanced/ honors classes throughout high school. I am also planning on going to school in the Oregon/ Washington area,


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

So your stats have nothing to do with this just a FYI.

A double major and major minor should take the same timeframe to complete as a normal major. It just takes planning to take all of the classes in 4 years and you’d discuss that with your advisor. It may take more than 4 years if as a AO said to me if you major in dancing and a double major in ranch management. But if you get a degree in data science and you get a double major or minor in math that’s a lot less work as the classes have more overlap.

You can likely get a double major or minor with 14-18 credit hours depending on school and major. (Normal credit hours is 15) If there is a cost increase it should be very minimal as in 3k a year if that. It depends on whether tuition is per credit hour or a flat cost for a full time student.

A double major is 2 majors and a minor is less time and provides qualifications. It’s like a masters and a doctorate both provide more qualifications but one is better than the other.

A popular phrase is minor in what you love but major in your job. But in your case a law school generally accepts most undergrad majors. Personally I’d use a minor/double major for addition specialization and some things are only offered as a major or a minor.

Like I’m really into civil engineering but I’d look at a minor or double major in statistics. As there’s overlap as both are math based I can finish in 4 years.

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to help clarify!

4 years ago[edited]

Double majoring is something that many people think they can do but it is harder than the regular practice of major/minoring. There is much more workload so you have to make sure that you have the time commitment and the ability to finish all of that work that you get. Double majoring is very useful, especially when you have some existing college credits which would allow you to finish school in a shorter amount of time.

I am in a similar position as you and I have decided to double major in political science and economics. This keeps your options open and would help in getting a nice law position at a big-time commercial law firm later in your career. Here are some of the colleges on my list which you might look going to. They have strong political science and economics programs. However, none of them are in the Oregon/Washington area, sorry about that :(

- Wesleyan University

- Boston University

- American University

- UCLA and UC Berkeley


- University of Michigan

- Tulane University

- many more

I hope this helps! If there is anything more you would like to know feel free to comment!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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