10 months ago
Admissions Advice

How do I overcome my fear of clubs?

This is my second year of highschool and I still haven't joined any clubs or sports. I know I need them to prepare for college but my social anxiety is so bad I can't force myself to do them. It's also already 3 months into the school year, would I look dumb for joining out of the blue?


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
10 months ago

Clubs are full of people who love the topic they are about. From my experience, they would all love to have anyone join their club, no matter what time of the year it is. It definitely is scary at first, but if you find one where you know a member or the advisor, that definitely helps. Good luck!

10 months ago

I believe that nothing on this planet is "dumb" or "embarrassing". We are tiny people on a floating rock, just do your thing. Sometimes you just need to say "damn it" and actually take action on it. If you overthink the decision too much probably you won't break out of your comfort zone and this is a very nice thing to do anytime.

What gave me confidence is this exact thought "I'm young, I have time ...but what if I don't? What if I should do it all now?" and I did it. Right now I'm in a lot of clubs and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made because I'm more mindful now.

I hope that this little thought process of mine will bring you a bit of confidence or at least an impulse :)

10 months ago

I've been there and can I just say, please do go ahead and join some! I remember having so many doubts about joining clubs/sports that I waited til my 3rd year to try out a sport. Of course, this is just my experience, but it genuinely improved my confidence and entire school semester. I can almost guarantee you it will be worth it.

- Joining a club/sport may actually help you overcome that social anxiety, since it sorta gives you a small community or friend group to hang out with, without needing to be social, since you're there because of a shared interest. Your passion for the club alone will be enough to be accepted as a valuable member, you don't need to be extroverted.

- Remember you're not the only one with social anxiety, you might even encounter others with similar experiences. And idk how it impacts you so I could be totally wrong about this, but if you happen to have a quieter personality, just know that's not a bad thing; a lot of people value that personality, and will know that there are still many ways you can contribute to the club.

- I've also met several people who joined months later and blended right in. Think of it like this: if you're in a class and a new kid joins, how long do you spend thinking about the fact that they're new? People won't question why you've just joined; they're in that club because they enjoy the topic, and your arrival only means more opportunities to connect with like-minded people.

- Personally, I've finally joined my first club as a senior and although there were a ton of people on the supposed "member list," our first meeting only had like 4 people total. We're still looking for new members and are delighted to see new people join. As far as I know, almost all clubs WANT more people to join.

- Alright lastly, how to overcome your fear? Find a club/sport that really interests you. Imagine yourself there, having fun in an ideal, comfortable environment. Basically make yourself obsessed with the idea. Now you HAVE to join, right? I'd recommend going to at least 2-3 meetings even if the first is a bit overwhelming. You'll get a lot more used to it over time.

- Another suggestion is to treat it like a game and "act like you don't care." Join as many clubs as you can. Once you've repeated the process a few times, joining them will become easy. Practice is the key to building confidence, and I assure you your future self will thank you for pushing through the first step (joining your first club). An increase in self-confidence will open up so many more opportunities for you because there will no longer be that barrier of fear you're feeling now.

- Also, I know everyone says "oh, don't care about what others think," and I guess that just comes with time because personally I still can't shake the self-consciousness either...But really, nothing is more important than your own life and future. Envision the grand list of extracurriculars you'll showcase on your college app. Or whichever goal you have. You're only in your 2nd year of HS, you've got plenty of time! It's never too late to start, but still, don't be like me joining a club a month before college apps are due. 'Cause I really regret it man.

Take my advice with a grain of salt, I don't know what works best for you, this is just my own brain rambling. Hope this helps a bit and good luck!!

>> Sorry yall for writing a whole essay here, I figured people can easily scroll past if they don't wanna read (:

10 months ago

You won't ever "look dumb" for joining a club, it would only be slightly unusual if you were about to graduate or if it's a high-commitment club, like if you tried joining the science olympiad halfway through their competition season. I'd say just go for it because college will be better the more social you will be and if you're willing to try out more clubs, even if just for fun. But there are plenty of extracurriculars, in and outside of school, that you can also look into if you need to fill your resume.

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