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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Question about rolling admissions

Rolling admissions seem like a pretty relaxed way when it comes to apply for college. I'm a bit confused though:

1. Can I apply after May 1st? Can I apply in August? (Fall 2024 term)

2. If I got accepted, but I rejected the offer, BUT later I changed my mind, does rolling admissions make it easier for me to get re-accepted?

3. If I get accepted, can I make my decision after May 1st? Can I make my decision in August?

4. Any downsides to applying to rolling admissions ("late")?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

I am planning on applying rolling admissions to Delaware Valley University and they allow seniors to apply as early as August 1st, with acceptance/denial decisions as early as November. However, the deadlines for rolling admissions vary by college, so check each college's specific deadline. It depends on the institution.

If you initially reject an offer and later change your mind, there's no guarantee that you'll be re-accepted. However, with rolling admissions, there might be more flexibility depending on the school and available spots. It's best to VERY carefully consider your decision before rejecting any acceptance offer.

In general, the decision deadline for most colleges is May 1st, but with rolling admissions, the timeline can be more flexible. Once again, check with each college.

Depends on school, but DVU only does rolling admissions, so if you apply early in the application season, you are no later than anyone else applying there. My general recommendation is to apply before January of the next year to make sure there are plenty of spots. I think the only con is that unlike EA or ED, you cannot be accepted early. Some people hate the idea of waiting until senior year to apply (rather get it out of the way in junior year) but that is not a big deal for me, especially since I am a competitive student applying at a non-competitive school.

Hope this helps! If you need more specific info/advice or have additional questions, reply, and I will be to help!

a year ago

1. yes after may 1st is possible; i think some community colleges have application deadlines in august (fall 24 entry)

2. not sure. but I think you can email the schools that you're looking at right now, but ofc use the email that you r not using to apply to that school, otherwise they'll know you?

3. If you apply after May 1st, you'll make your decision after May 1st; i applied to a community college and I didn't have to pay the deposit, but im not sure if all community colleges are like this. Different colleges have different policies, deadlines and extra seats , so the date may differ.

4. schools with rolling admissions usually aren't that hard to get into, so as long as you don't apply really really late, you can get in quite easily. The downside is, if you applied to your 2nd choice college(if your 1st choice/priority is the rolling adm school) and got accepted, but the deadline to pay the deposit (to secure your seat) for that 2nd choice college is BEFORE the day you receive your decision for that rolling adm school, then you'll find it difficult to make a decision whether or not you should pay first, and then turn them down once your 1st choice accepts you.

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