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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Class Rank Dropped


My class rank has dropped a couple times. I was 3rd after freshmen year (out of about 750-800 students), but now I'm in my second semester of junior year and my rank has fallen to 6th. While I'm still in the top percentile, I'm worried that my grades falling a bit will look bad to colleges.

I've been taking all AP classes, but most of the top ranking students in my class took dual credit as their advanced credit, which doesn't hold as high standards as AP at my school. However, colleges won't know this so I'm worried my grades will be judged differently. Will my rank going down this past couple of years look bad?

Thank you


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hey, no need to feel bad, you are top 1% of the school, these types of achievements are insane, also, while class rank is important, academics, Ecs, and etcs are much much more important, class rank is just like a small boost. Also, I see that top ranking students in your school took dual, dual may give same gpa boost but the credit boost is much more different, if they want to apply to ivies, dual enrollment will give them nothing except gpa boost, but if you had 5 in your ap exams, that credit can be earned, AP is important if you are looking to go to other top schools with credit, while dual is only important if you looking to go to like top 30% schools.

You are doing insanely well, and do not worry, you are unique and have a serious chance in going to ivies.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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