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a year ago
Admissions Advice

Dual Enrollment

Hello! I am just a freshman and I was looking for my future classes, and I found about dual enrollment, I know they can give you power to skip like 2 years of university and college, but I thought that it was not really useful because most of the top schools/ivies do not accept them, but I saw that all UCs and Stanford accept them which are schools in my list.

My question is that if I take dual enrollment in a college, how can I transfer credits? I want to learn more about the process of transferring credits since I have zero clue on how they work.

Thank you!


from @_KC_


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Hi @_KC_!

I am currently a dual enrollment student but in high school. Dual enrollment is more commonly done while you are still in high school. Then when you enroll in a university, you transfer the transferable credits. I am a junior and my plan is to complete 2 courses this semester (6 credits), and 5 classes each semester of senior year. This will cut down my time in college to under 3 years!

But I took great care in choosing my DE courses. The university I want to attend has 2 resources that made sure I chose courses that would transfer into my major. 1) Their course catalog showed me what classes are required for my major 2) They had a transfer comparison thing (not sure what it's called!) where I put in the cc, then entered the university course I wanted to cover, and it listed cc classes that were equivalent and therefore transferable. I am including a link to that page (NOTE this is for DVU university only, but it's a good example)

However, DVU is known has 1 of the top transfer-friendly schools in the USA, so not all universities will have these resources. If you are unable to find the university's transfer policies and all that, reach out to admission counselors. The other thing is that you have several schools you are trying to get into and no way of knowing which you will end up at. I have the advantage of knowing The School I want to go to AND my stats are well above theirs so there is no question that I will get in or not. So be cautious and know that what will transfer into 1 school may not transfer into the next!

Hope this helps and if you have any more questions, lmk!

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