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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

How many SAT subject tests are recommended in order to apply top 20 schools?

I am a sophomore and interested in either Bio or Psychology major to eventually apply for a medical school. I got 1590 SAT, 790 Bio and will take Chem in June. I know official requirement for most schools is two or less. But is taking more a way of demonstrating academic strength or is it not worthy? Appreciate for sharing your thoughts or experiences.

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@Abhishek5 years ago

In my opinion, you should only take extra SAT 2's if you have extra time and you believe your EC's are really good. If not, I would focus on adding more extracurriculars to my application, or improving the ones i have currently.

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3 answers

5 years ago

I agree with @Abhishek; two is generally all you need for basically anywhere. Three can be a slight bonus at super super super competitive schools (like HYPSM), but two is still fine for those, and anything over three is basically pointless in the eyes of an admissions committee.

Also, I noticed you mentioned AP scores in your comment. As a sidenote, AP scores do not carry much (if any) weight in admissions. Taking AP classes does matter a lot, but the scores themselves are a lot less significant than the grades you get in the classes themselves. I think that's probably why they didn't make a difference in the chancing system here.

5 years ago

I know you already got your answer but wanted to add I think 2 is good enough too. Of course, check the requirements for each school and see what they suggest. You probably already know this but if a college recommends taking the SAT IIs that is essentially the same thing as requiring them. I think for a lot of schools you will be putting yourself at a disadvantage if you don't.

5 years ago

Thanks, Abhishek, it makes sense. I tried Calculating Chances in this site. And adding more SAT or even more AP test scores didn't boost the chances for most of top schools. Appreciate for your note.

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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