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10 months ago
Admissions Advice

What Courses should I take as a Junior to prepare me for college?

I am currently a sophomore at a small school. We have maybe 7AP classes. I want to major in theater (with a focus on directing) and I just don't know what to take. I was thinking about APUSH or APWorld because I love history, but will that even help me? I know we also offer APBio and APCompSci, should I think about taking those as well? I'm in a dual enrollment program at a local community college anyway for my English and Math, so I'm already earning college credits in those departments. Please help?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
10 months ago

I think taking APUSH or APWH will be a great help for you! For theater majors, it is important to have good knowledge about english, psychology, and history. So I believe that you should definitely take APs, and you said that you love history, which makes it even better!

Feel free to ask more questions!

10 months ago

My thoughts:

1) I don't know what you are hoping to major in BUT if you love history and will be going to college for a history related degree, it is a great idea to take a history class! This demonstrates your interest and passion.

2) If not, I recommend choosing the AP that is closest to relating to your future career. Eg, if you are interested in CS, take APCompSci. If you are headed to any science or medical field, APBio is the way to go!

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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